Most parents look for ways to avoid taking their kids to the stores at all costs. Let’s face it; bringing your kids out shopping isn’t really fun for anyone. The kids get bored and parents get tired of fighting the many “I am bored” statements their kids will say throughout the entire shopping trip.
The only thing worse than that is having everyone stare at you when you make your kids cry when you tell them that you won’t buy them more candy and toys.
With that being said, there is a reason you should start taking your kids shopping with you. There are many money lessons a kid can learn when you take them shopping.
Couponing Teaches Needs vs Wants
There are steps to take before heading out to the grocery store. For starters many families use coupons as a means to save extra cash. When you have your kids involved in the shopping planning stages, they start to learn how to cut costs, save money and determine a grocery list based upon needs versus wants. Read here if you want to learn more about how to teach kids needs vs wants.
Organizing a List
Once you have the coupons in hand, you can then have the kids go around the kitchen and pantry with you as you create a list of necessary items to purchase. Discuss why you will be getting some items and not getting others. This teaches your kids how to prepare for shopping, stick within a budget and learn to use coupons to benefit a significant savings.
Sticking to the List
When you head out to the grocery store with your kids, consider having them in charge of the list. If you have more than one kid in tow, break the shopping list up so that each kid has a list they are in charge of. This allows your kids to learn the money lesson of not overspending when in the store. Let’s face it, most of us go shopping hungry and veer off the grocery list.
Final Tally at Checkout
Have your kids watch the cashier’s screen as each item gets rung in. This will help give your kids a concept of just how expensive things are in this world. Knowing what the average price is for items will help your kids better work with you next time around when you take them shopping. When kids can see first-hand the costs of shopping, they start to develop better money making decisions.
Overall the idea of taking your kids shopping with you may seem like a headache, and it’s true that it’s every parent’s nightmare. The whole trying to keep kids occupied while you stick to your grocery shopping list and don’t forget the milk. Well there is no need to stress anymore, use these tips shared today to take your kids shopping with you and in turn teach them some money skills such as saving, sticking to a budget and following a grocery list so that they become more financially stable adults later in life.
About the Author – Brandy Ellen Tanner is a Positive Lifestyle blogger who works from home while raising her 3 children. Learn more about Brandy at and read her other parenting articles at