Having children can be an amazing journey: getting to watch them grow and learn and develop into full-fledged adults, figuring out what they love and what they want to spend their lives doing.
But children can also be incredibly expensive, particularly when it comes to extracurricular activities. Think about kids sports, to name just one thing. There are camps. There are leagues. This is training and coaches. There might be travel and equipment. All of that adds up to a gigantic industry—over $15 billion—and that has to get funded by, you guessed it, parents.
The funding, of course, has to be weighed against the benefits. Art classes, for example, can help someone with budding talent really find their stride. Those sports aren’t just about breaking a sweat, but about building self-confidence and discipline. So how you balance costs and benefits? This graphic can help your family figure out what works best.
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