By signing up as an affiliate you will receive a special link that you can share with your community. This link will take your readers to the download page for Homey on the App Store, Google Play, or Amazon, depending on their device. If they are on desktop, they will be lead first to our website. Homey will track subscription purchases of everyone who downloads the app through your link. For everyone who downloads the app and subscribes in the first 30 days, you’ll get a commission of $1 per month per each monthly subscriber for the first six months (or $6 for each yearly subscriber) for US subscribers, or $0.5 per month per each monthly subscriber for the first six months (or $3 for each yearly subscriber) for non US subscribers. See our affiliate agreement for more details.


Do you have a blog, podcast, a website, or a social media account that attracts a family oriented audience? You can:

  • Write a post about managing chores and allowance and insert your special link.
  • Share your experience with the app and attach your special link to download.
  • Put promotional banners with your special link on your website or in your email newsletter.

Financial educators

Do you work with children, teaching them the basics of financial literacy? Or with adults, who are learning new financial skills and wanting to instill them in their kids as well?

  • Give your clients or students a tool that will help them put good financial habits concerning allowance in action.
  • Capture a share of revenue, while building relationships and providing value to your audience.
  • Put promotional banners with your special link on your website or in your email newsletter.

Become a Homey affiliate

Provide your audience with a tool for teaching kids financial responsibility, and earn a share of revenue. All you have to do is share your special links.